London 2024

Welcome to the London 2024 Page

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Current Announcements

  • The Trip Information packet is now available!
  • The next trip meeting is November 28 at 6:00pm. The trip chaperone meeting will occur immediately afterwards.
  • Click here to submit a trip question to be adressed at the trip meeting or afterwards: 

Parade Organizers Documents

This summer Mr. Mewhorter traveled to London to help prepare for our arrival. We received a great deal of information about our trip and much of it is listed below:

Unstructured Time Suggestions   During the trip you will have opportunities to form a group of students and adults to go out on the tow and choose your own activities. This document has some suggestions.

Audio Walks  Each participant will receive links to download to their device with “audio walk” recordings this will help you get out in London and walking around with the help of a guide. Click the link for more information.

Ticket Resturant Card  Each participant will receive a  Master card preloaded with £60 to eat out during any of your unstructured times in London restaurants and pubs (do not worry, most pubs feel more like a restaurant than a bar). Click the link to see more information on how to use this card.

Hotel Dinners  Check out this document to learn a bit about the menu of our provided hotel meals.

LNYDP Merchandise   Of course, you can buy merchandise pertaining to the parade! Click the link to see how  Please note - we will be offering a specific Southmoore band London Trip Shirt as we get closer to the trip.

The Visitor Oyster Card (The “tube", or subway, the underground train thing).  While in London we will make great use of the London underground for travel. See the link for a bit of information regarding what will be provided on the trip.

Guided Coach Tours  We will split up into six coach groups while in London. These coaches will take us on numerous tours. See the link for more information. We are lucky to be guided by certified blue bag guides. These guides must pass two years worth of training and I can tell you from experience, their is a difference between these certified guides and all others.

Parade Route  Check out this document to learn a little more about the historic parade route and some parade logistics.

2024 Southmoore Internal Trip Documents

Below are the internal SHS band paperwork pertaining to our trip. Many of these documents are required to be turned in. Please make sure you are up to date with forms and financial responsibilities.

Trip Information Packet This is the big packet of trip information including the itenerary and everything you need to know about the trip.

March 7 Trip Meeting Agenda/London Trip Timeline This handout was made avaliable at the March 7 Optional Trip Meeting and includes a timeline of events leading up to our departure.

Trip Registration Form This Google Form is required to register for the trip. Please turn in one form per passenger. This form and payment #1 are due by January 5.

Introductory London Trip Meeting Handout  This document is the handout from the May 17, 2022 London trip meeting and contains some preliminary trip information to help families make a decision about going on the trip..

Chaperone Agreement Form   This form is required from all adults traveling with the band and was due with the May 15 payment. Adults - please make sure that you have this already turned in.

Background Check Form   Background check are required from all adults traveling with the band. Please note you only fill out the “subject information” section. This form and the $20 payment was due on May 17.

How to Pay for the Trip and Charms Login Info   There are a few different methods you may make trip payments and these are listed on this document. All payments will be recorded using our “charms” online system. It is vital that you check your account to both fill out your personal information and check to make sure your payments have been processed.

Trip Inclusions  Click this link to see a preliminary list of all the items included in your trip costs.

Travel Insurance   Click this link to see information regarding your travel insurance. Travel insurance is included in your trip fees.

US Passport Information   This is a link from the US Department of State pertaining to getting a passport. Remember, we need a copy of your passport by August 15. There will be a form where you can turn this in electronically.

Trip Payment Schedule    Click this link to see payment due dates and other financial information.

Past Trip Videos

These are a few videos from the last London trip (many are from Mr. Burton - Thanks!)

News OK Story - London Invite

KOCO London Invite

KWTV Prior to Travel Story

LNYDP Video - Southmoore Band

Behind the Scenes - Hey Baby Performance for BBC “Good Morning Britain” National Morning Show

Parent/Friends Grandstands Performance

Fight Song at Trafalgar Square

Concert Band Performance of Oklahoma at St. John’s

Jazz Band Performance at St. John's

Greeting after National TV Performance

TV Grandstands Performance

London Links

Parade Website

Travel Company Page

© Southmoore Instrumental Arts 2024